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  • Favorite Game I suck, so none of them

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  1. | 22 | 33 | 44 | 55 | 66 | 77 | 88 | 99 | 111 | 222 | 333 | 444 | 555 | 666 | 777 | 888 | 999 | 1111 | 2222 | 3333 | https://bc.game/#/sd/11FGT5JLPZXPG3 https://bc.game/#/sd/11FGTH9U3SO6CN https://bc.game/#/sd/11FGTMF0A4FVEV https://bc.game/#/sd/11FGTS1YY2OAVN https://bc.game/#/sd/11FL7QTWPB58MB https://bc.game/#/sd/11FL8JG4JT345J https://bc.game/#/sd/11FL8TB2T21MHZ https://bc.game/#/sd/11FL92IW15U9JB https://bc.game/#/sd/11FLEFX4JK69LZ
  2. 5.10x | 7x | 8x | 11x | 17x | 26x | 30x | 56x | 63x | 81.5x | 100x | 180x | 250x | 270x | 350x | 450x | 500x | 600x | 710x | 800x | 900x | 1000x https://bc.game/#/sd/11F1CCIT28RTYF https://bc.game/#/sd/11F1CX01QRZPJN https://bc.game/#/sd/11F1D4AOJE2PEB https://bc.game/#/sd/11F1DFGA676P03 https://bc.game/#/sd/11F1DOG5P9VG4N https://bc.game/#/sd/11F1EWC8FAREVN https://bc.game/#/sd/11F4ANQ4JTO12F https://bc.game/#/sd/11F495VH84QNAF
  3. One interesting thought, have the recharge bonus claimable at any time, however must check in every x hrs to have it continue accruing. It's a bonus earned so give players more freedom on when to use it or save it up. The can claim more often while awake, and it can build when they sleep or take a break. I guarantee this feature will draw in masses of players. No other site does something like this.
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